Artificial Intelligence in marketing: make accurate predictions and do not just use your intuition

The marketing world is constantly looking to renew itself with the latest technology and trends, as many of the techniques used some years ago have become obsolete, and in order to exploit our full potential we need to adapt to the new social context.

Given this panorama of evolution and change, there are tools that you should know in depth, in order to take advantage of their benefits and explore their applications in your marketing campaigns. One of the technologies you need to know to make accurate predictions is artificial intelligence, which has considerably revolutionized day-to-day marketing.

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Today, companies are choosing to add value through artificial intelligence to give their users new experiences and generate a competitive advantage. Do you already know the main applications of artificial intelligence? Read on to discover them!

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the technological development that introduces human logic behaviors in the language of machines. Its main objective is the simplification of tasks and activities.

As we know, this technology is becoming more and more common (and less scary than one thought years ago). We live with it every day through our smart devices such as phones, screens or virtual assistants, as well as with some artificial intelligence software for the management of various industries and sectors.

One of its fastest growing uses is in marketing, as it facilitates many routine tasks, but it is also a star tool for the improvement and optimization of campaigns and strategies.

Artificial intelligence in marketing

In the marketing world, artificial intelligence can be a useful tool to get to know your potential customer in depth, because by making accurate predictions about their preferences you will more easily achieve loyalty to your product or service.

It also allows you to save money, since by segmenting your audience and identifying their tastes more accurately and quickly, you will be able to define the most appropriate marketing strategies and advertising campaigns, which will lead to better results and free your employees from certain tasks in which too much time and money is invested.

The complexity and quantity of certain types of data is almost impossible for an individual to process as quickly as AI, as people have a finite capacity to define strategies based on the information collected. Data management with Artificial Intelligence in marketing is much more accurate and secure.

How to use artificial intelligence in marketing

Undoubtedly, the time when Artificial Intelligence was thought to be only a topic that appeared in science fiction movies is long gone. Today it is present in our daily lives and digital marketing strategies are no exception.

Don't miss our blog: How to use AI effectively in your marketing campaigns.

But how can this technology be exploited? Here are some examples.

1. Customer understanding

As is well known, one of the great functions of artificial intelligence is to be able to analyze large amounts of data and thanks to this, marketing experts can more easily address and understand the needs of customers.

By gathering this information, personalized profiles can be created based on your needs, preferences, lifestyle and interactions.

2. Trend prediction

In addition to analyzing large amounts of data, artificial intelligence in marketing can also detect trends by tracking conversations in real time. This is a really valuable feature that allows you to stay up-to-date and one step ahead of your competition.

3. Voice recognition

Voice assistants are becoming increasingly popular and use voice recognition patterns to detect spoken words and convert them into easy-to-execute text commands. Therefore, it is vital that you use artificial intelligence in marketing to position yourself in this trend as well.

4. Increased productivity

Artificial intelligence in marketing streamlines tasks and processes, but it is also ideal for offering services 24 hours a day without the need for your employees to cover all shifts. This, in addition to an increase in productivity, also reduces costs by not having to hire more employees to do this work.

5. Content creation

Although Artificial Intelligence cannot write opinions on a web page, it is already possible to write news, reports or notes based on data and information from your users.

Remember that the idea of AI is not to replace human work, on the contrary, it works as a tool to take away simple, data-driven work so that your employees can focus on innovation.

6. Email marketing

Through automated and personalized responses, AI will help you respond to your customers as quickly as they need, as well as generate a message that is completely tailored to their needs.

Remember that AI uses much more complex algorithms that know your customer's history, activity and preferences in products or services, so with a more personalized message you will provide a better user experience.

7. Chatbots

A virtual assistant on your website will be that 'extra' that your company needs. Chatbots are useful to know the most frequent doubts of your users, engage in a conversation that clears doubts, and avoid long contact processes.

Remember that, thanks to AI, the more time passes, the more data this model will collect, learn and improve its way of conversing with users, because through algorithms and interaction it will give more accurate answers, due to its ability to learn and have 'memory'.

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In short, artificial intelligence in marketing allows you to make accurate predictions and stop using only your intuition or gut feeling to make strategic decisions.

If you want to have better results in your company, start using AI in the marketing area. We at Nuvalia have the technology and experience necessary to understand the needs of your business and your audience.

If you need more information, we invite you to contact one of our Customer Experience experts.