Inteligencia artificial en marketing: haz predicciones precisas y no uses solo tu intuición

inteligencia-artificial-en-marketing-haz-predicciones-precisas -y-no-uses-solo-tu-intuicion

The marketing world is constantly looking to renew itself with the latest technology and trends, as many of the techniques used some years ago have become obsolete, and in order to exploit our full potential we need to adapt to the new social context.

Given this panorama of evolution and change, there are tools that you should know in depth, in order to take advantage of their benefits and explore their applications in your marketing campaigns. One of the technologies you need to know to make accurate predictions is artificial intelligence, which has considerably revolutionized day-to-day marketing.

Today, companies are choosing to add value through artificial intelligence to give their users new experiences and generate a competitive advantage. Do you already know the main applications of artificial intelligence? Read on to discover them!

La Inteligencia Artificial en el marketing

In the marketing world, artificial intelligence can be a useful tool to get to know your potential customer in depth, because by making accurate predictions about their preferences you will more easily achieve loyalty to your product or service.

It also allows you to save money, since by segmenting your audience and identifying their tastes more accurately and quickly, you will be able to define the most appropriate marketing strategies and advertising campaigns, which will lead to better results and free your employees from certain tasks in which too much time and money is invested.

La complejidad y cantidad de cierto tipo de datos es casi imposible de procesar por un individuo con la misma rapidez que la IA, pues las personas tienen una capacidad finita para definir estrategias con base en la información recabada. La gestión de datos con Inteligencia Artificial en marketing es mucha más precisa y segura.

Cómo utilizar la Inteligencia Artificial en marketing

Sin duda, atrás ha quedado ese tiempo en el que se pensaba que la Inteligencia Artificial era solo un tema que aparecía en películas de ciencia ficción. Hoy está presente en nuestro día a día y las estrategias de marketing digital no son la excepción.

But how can this technology be exploited? Here are some examples.

1. Creación de contenidos

Although Artificial Intelligence cannot write opinions on a web page, it is already possible to write news, reports or notes based on data and information from your users.

Remember that the idea of AI is not to replace human work, on the contrary, it works as a tool to take away simple, data-driven work so that your employees can focus on innovation.

2. IA email marketing

Through automated and personalized responses, AI will help you respond to your customers as quickly as they need, as well as generate a message that is completely tailored to their needs.

Recuerda que la IA utiliza algoritmos mucho más complejos que conocen el historial de tu cliente, su actividad y preferencias en los productos o servicios, por lo que con un mensaje más personalizado brindarás una mejor experiencia de usuario.

3. Chatbots

A virtual assistant on your website will be that 'extra' that your company needs. Chatbots are useful to know the most frequent doubts of your users, engage in a conversation that clears doubts, and avoid long contact processes.

Remember that, thanks to AI, the more time passes, the more data this model will collect, learn and improve its way of conversing with users, because through algorithms and interaction it will give more accurate answers, due to its ability to learn and have 'memory'.

¿Deseas tenr mejores resultados en tu empresa? Comienza por utilizar IA en el área de marketing. Nosotros en Nuvalia contamos con la tecnología y experiencia necesaria para conocer las necesidades de tu negocio y tu audiencia. Si necesitas de mayor información, te invitamos a ponerte en contacto con uno de nuestros expertos en Customer Experience.

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