Is Salesforce Sales Cloud available in Salesforce? Find out!

Availability of Salesforces Sales Cloud in Salesforce

Every company, small or large, needs an empowered sales team that delivers effective results. However, many times the executives themselves don't have enough time to focus on their priority tasks. But with tools like Salesforce Sales Cloud, you can provide a solution.

As you surely know, Salesforce's specialized solutions have several modules and tools. Among them, Sales Cloud, with which you can leverage the skills of your commercial area. However, there are still some doubts about these solutions.

Don't miss out: Why use Salesforce Cloud in 2022?

When asked if Sales Cloud is included in Salesforce, it is important to emphasize that this software offers different solutions to meet the individual needs of each area of a business. Sales is no exception. 

If you've been wanting to learn more about what Salesforce Sales Cloud is and how it can help your business drive sales, we invite you to read on. 

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud?

Salesforce Sales Cloud is Salesforce's sales software that helps companies transform their business. This by increasing the number of leads generated and accelerating revenue. 

Among the features that make this solution stand out are: 

  • Unification of data to strengthen customer relationships
  • Use of artificial intelligence, big data and analytics technologies.
  • Coaching tools for salespeople 
  • Forecasting tools, lead management and pricing and quotation configuration

One of the great advantages of Salesforce Sales Cloud is that it can adapt to the challenges faced by small, medium and large companies

Why should your business use Salesforce Sales Cloud?

The sales area often finds it difficult to concentrate on and complete the activities that really pertain to sales generation. 

A solution like this saves administrative time thanks to its automation features. This allows all salespeople to focus on only those activities where selling is their priority. 

In addition, the sales area has all the tools available to improve customer relations and satisfaction throughout the entire sales process. 

Learn more about your relationship with your customers: Why is customer experience so important?

How to obtain and implement this sales solution successfully?

If by now you know that what your company needs to boost its sales is this solution, it's time to implement it! But how to do it correctly? 

While this tool is very complete and functional, its installation and full understanding can be a bit complex. However, this process can be much simpler and successful with the support of a Salesforce partner. 

Discover the importance of working with experts: Here are the key benefits of working with a Salesforce partner.

A Salesforce partner is the official Salesforce ally that will help you have a smarter investment, adjusted to the real needs of your business. 

If you want more information on how to achieve an implementation that takes advantage of all the tools of this CRM, we invite you to contact Nuvalia. 

Nuvalia is an agency specialized in strengthening the customer experience through consulting and implementation of specialized software such as Salesforce. 

We are currently a Salesforce partner, which qualifies us as the experts in the market to provide you with comprehensive support before, during and after the implementation of Salesforce Sales Cloud or any other Salesforce software. 

If you want to start discussing the tools your business needs, just click here to start a conversation.