Salesforce Ebook


The comprehensive solution you need to manage your company's marketing, sales and customer service.


Salesforce serves 99 of the Fortune 100 companies.

2021 has positioned itself, like 2020, as a year full of challenges for companies in their different sectors and industries.

So I ask you, do you already have your best weapons ready to face him?

If your answer was NO, this will interest you!
(if yes, you will also be interested).

As we well know, it is not possible to overcome today's obstacles with yesterday's solutions.

Integrating your sales, marketing and customer service teams can make a huge difference and can enable you to achieve your business goals this year.

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This guide aims to show you the ways in which Salesforce can help you achieve your business goals.

Upon completion, you will be able to identify which solutions are right for you and how they can be adapted to your company to achieve success in 2021.

In the guide you will find:

  • What is Salesforce?
  • Why choose Salesforce?
  • Why use Salesforce for my business area?
  • Why use Salesforce for my marketing area?
  • Why use Salesforce for my Services area?
  • Service Cloud Voice, the innovation in your customer service area

© 2021 Nuvalia